Trump Cites Often Overlooked Andrew Jackson Quote About Civil War

Donald Trump didn't accomplish much in his first 100 days in office, but one thing he did manage to do is draw attention to the "amazing job" Frederick Douglass is doing. Douglass, Trump "noticed" in February, "is getting recognized more and more." While Trump was correct in saying Douglass has done an "amazing job," he was incorrect in saying that Douglass is "getting recognized more and more." In reality, Douglass is getting recognized "less and less" which, while unfortunate, is underst

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6 thoughts on “Trump Cites Often Overlooked Andrew Jackson Quote About Civil War

  1. Threatening to send the army to hang Sen. John Calhoun is probably the sort of thing that would turn on the “Trumper” – not to mention his treatment of the “illegals” (Cherokees, Choctaws, Chickasaws) living on land that God intended for the white man.

  2. South Carolina tried to secede from the U.S. during Andrew Jackson’s presidency because of Federal tariffs that favored northern manufacturing over southern cotton farming. Jackson quelled the secession effort by compromising on tariffs for southern agricultural products. Jackson did manage to abolish the Central Bank during his presidency. Good for him. The Civil War could have been prevented if Lincoln and the Northern States simply backed off on that pesky abolition of slavery issue.

    Somewhere in Trump’s brain lurks vague awareness that is entirely clouded by murky, distorted thoughts and ideas that he is incapable of filtering.