Were You “Born Yesterday”? Mexico Ain’t Payin’ For That Damn Wall, America

One of the nice things about writing for public consumption but doing so under one's own banner as opposed to someone else's is that you can say whatever you want. Which is why I can say this: you have to be a special kind of retarded to believe Donald Trump when he tells you Mexico is going to be paying for the President's border wall. As Katt Williams put it earlier this year: "I don't know what kind of Mexicans he knows, but you ain't fin' to make a Mexican do shit." [youtube https://ww

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2 thoughts on “Were You “Born Yesterday”? Mexico Ain’t Payin’ For That Damn Wall, America

  1. I am totally amazed at how many yokels there are in this country who actually bought in to his outrageous claim that he would build such a wall and that Mexico would pay for it. It’s more than amazing, it’s downright scary.