Alex Jones Is Pissed At Yogurt: Chobani Sues InfoWars For Defamation

It just gets worse and worse for alt-Right "hero" and "man who could easily pass for a coked out high school football coach" Alex Jones... As those who frequent these pages are no doubt aware, Jones has been stumbling his way through a custody battle with his ex-wife Kelly this month. See, Kelly doesn't think it's such a good idea for the kids to be around Alex because Alex is... well... Alex is Alex:   Some of the amusing highlig

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5 thoughts on “Alex Jones Is Pissed At Yogurt: Chobani Sues InfoWars For Defamation

  1. sorry, I just cannot listen to him for 9 whole minutes. I will take your word for it combined with my prior experience hearing him speak. It’s not only what he is saying, it is his gravel voice too. Nope, I am done with this cretin. I find it hard to understand why the woman ever married him! If the court does not find in her favor, there is no justice. Those kids should not ever be around him, ever.

  2. “The Twin Falls county prosecutor…said he was not authorized to speak about the details because the case involved minors”
    How convenient, they won’t disclose who is responsible for trafficking these particular 3rd worlders, though they will tell you who isn’t responsible if you make a public guess so you can be sued

  3. What do you want to bet that Chobani looses their law suit? The more you try to convince the public that Alex is “batshit crazy” the more his audience grows. Anyone who has watched Jones, for more than the “batshit crazy” clips that are so often point out as a means to delegitimize him, find that he is actually right on target, unlike the corporate owned main stream media that so many intellectual sheep lap up at face value.

    1. Oh? you believe Alex over media on anything? Good for you!
      By the way, I have some property you would really love, in northern Arizona, great climate, ocean side balcony view, charming! Being offered by Lunatic Landing Inc.