Guest Post: “We’re All Yen Traders Now”
Via Kevin Muir of “The Macro Tourist” fame
This post will have no answers. I am not sure anyone truly understands the strange day to day squiggles of the increasingly intertwined global financial system, but I wanted to highlight a relationship that cannot simply be monkeys typing Shakespeare.
Let’s start with the market developments over the past couple of days. Last week ended on a trading holiday, with markets closed for Good Friday. Weirdly, the U.S. Federal Government does not ta
OK, Heisenberg, now you’ve really made me curious. How has this linkage happened? And – a scarier question – how could the two financial systems delink, and what would follow? My daddy taught me long ago that there isn’t a free lunch in any natural system, and I have yet to experience anything to the contrary in this vale of tears. Yet this CB-inflated and interlinked system seems to have greater longevity than Dracula.