North Korea Tries To Fire Missile, Fails “Almost Immediately”: Pentagon Confirms


Well, don’t say Kim Jong-Un didn’t try.

No sooner had the “Day of The Sun” festivities concluded than Pyongyang apparently tried to fire a missile, but like many of the war trial balloons Kim’s regime frequently (and literally) tries to float, this one failed.

“North Korea attempted a missile launch Sunday local time (5:21pm ET), but it blew up almost immediately,” United States military officials confirmed to NBC News.

“U.S. Pacific Command is fully committed to working closely with our allies in the Republic of Korea and in Japan to maintain security,” the military said in a statement Saturday evening.

Here’s the Bloomberg summary:

  • North Korea likely attempted to fire an unidentified missile Sunday morning from Sinpo, northeast of Pyongyang, but it failed, South Korea’s joint chiefs of staff said in text message
  • Further analysis underway
  • Note: Test comes a day after Pyongyang celebrated its biggest national holiday of late founder Kim Il Sung’s 105th birthday and also on the day U.S. Vice President Mike Pence arrives in S. Korea as part of his 10-day Asia trip

As Sky notes, “the North launched a ballistic missile from the same region earlier this month ahead of a summit meeting between the leaders of the United States and China.”


From Yonhap:

North Korea’s attempted missile launch on Sunday ended in failure, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said.

The communist state attempted to launch an unidentifed missile from the port city of Sinpo on its east coast in the morning, and the launch is presumed to have failed, the JCS said.

The missile launch attempt came amid rising tensions with the United States that is sending an aircraft-carrier strike group to waters off the Korean Peninsula to deter potential North Korean provocations such as a nuclear test.

This is developing…

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3 thoughts on “North Korea Tries To Fire Missile, Fails “Almost Immediately”: Pentagon Confirms

  1. Would be a pretty smart strategy to fake a failure, not that I think NK is in a position to be so cute, or that it makes any difference to the “good guys” what the missile did

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