EPA Goes Rogue, Defends Climate

If there’s one person you can’t blame when it comes to why this administration can’t seem to get anything done, it’s Donald Trump.

Yes, we’ve witnessed some of the most spectacular examples of government ineptitude in the history of government since the inauguration. And yes, that seems to be at odds with the idea that Trump is the world’s dealmaker par excellence. But the problem isn’t the President. The problem is everyone else.

That was on full display Thursday when the EPA went rogue (again), by pretending to be an agency tasked with protecting the environment.

Read the despicable press release below:


See, this is what Trump and other benevolently paternalistic folks like Nassim Taleb have been trying to tell us all along about pseudo-experts.

Put simply: They have to go.

What you see highlighted above in green is the same type of nonsense that Matt Drudge has been keen on pointing out for some time now.

We cannot have rogue government agencies like the EPA going off message by trying to defend the climate. Just like we can’t have the NWS going off message by trying to warn us about hurricanes…



Note: As Mother Jones explains, it appears “mistakes” were made…

This is obviously not the glowing review Trump was hoping to get from a coal-state Republican senator. Alas, it appears that someone at the EPA screwed up. That statement actually comes from a Democrat, Sen. Tom Carper (Del.)–not from Capito. If the EPA press release continued to quote from Carper, this would have been the next line:

This order clearly proves that this administration is not serious about protecting jobs and our environment. As a West Virginia native, I understand the plight of coal miners in today’s day and age. But the Clean Power Plan isn’t the coal industry’s problem–market forces are. Let’s be perfectly clear: this executive order will not bring back the coal industry. It is an insult to the men and women who voted for him for Donald Trump to say otherwise.

Trump recognized Capito, the West Virginia senator, multiple times in his speech at the EPA Tuesday. He also declared that coal is clean. At the same event, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke declared the so-called “war on coal” to be over.

The EPA has now sent out a revised version of the press release, correctly quoting Capito’s praise of Trump’s order. And this time, the agency even spelled her name correctly.

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One thought on “EPA Goes Rogue, Defends Climate

  1. For the last 72 years Uncle Sam has intimidated the world with fear and threats, what it doesn’t understand is that it’s nation is as vulnerable as every thing else on this planet to the destructive powers of the the fastest climatic change in geological history.
    DEADLINE 2030, is the time line for planet earth to be almost carbon neutral, with the next decade working on sequestration. the alternative is the planets 6th great extinction event, with the collapse of civilisation.
    Thank you Jesus, thank you lord, thank you america. NOT.

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