“Unbelievable” That GOP Health Plan Leaves 24 Million Uninsured, Says White House Who Is Being Spied On By Microwaves
If there's anything Donald Trump and his administration hate, it's facts.
The thing about facts is that they're often inconvenient. We all struggle with facts on a daily basis. For example: you woke up this morning and you still weren't Mark Zuckerberg.
That's inconvenient.
But you have to kind of soldier on.
Most of us get that. In the immortal words of Del Griffith (John Candy's character in the classic film Planes, Trains, and Automobiles), "well, I'm still a million bucks shy of being a
This just keeps getting better and better next the Trump Group (sounds like a insurance company or a hedge fund) will tell us that the earth is flat. Hell maybe they already think it’s true. I wanna get me some of that Trump H2O might have some good sh*t in it.I heard that Ivanka is starting her own designer pot line, wear it and smoke it all in the same night. Can’t wait, oh wait Sessions is hot on her trail with the know all see all microwave bug. CIAO.