Typical Saturday In America: President Accuses Former President Of Tapping His Phone, Calls Arnold Schwarzenegger “Pathetic”

Well, I suppose it’s incumbent upon Heisenberg to comment on Donald Trump’s most outrageous series of claims to date.

Assuming you don’t live in a cave or aren’t otherwise some kind of hermit, you’ve already seen this (seemingly) insane rant, fresh from the source of all things batsh*t, Trump’s Twitter feed:

Now I don’t have the faintest clue what the f*ck he’s talking about and neither, apparently, does anyone else, but I would submit that this likely doesn’t bode well.

That is, it kind of seems like he may know that something (else) is about to come out and he’s trying to get out ahead of it in traditional Trump fashion – by reaching out to his support base via the only unfiltered channel he has available. But that’s just me speculating.

As the “failing” (that’s called sarcasm) NY Times wrote this morning, “Mr. Trump’s decision to lend the power of his office to such a claim – without offering any proof – was remarkable, even for a leader who has repeatedly shown himself willing to make assertions that are false or based on rumors.”

That’s true. And even more “remarkable” – not to mention exceedingly absurd – is the fact that just an hour after accusing the last President of espionage, Trump schizophrenically jumped to berating Arnold Schwarzenegger.

You know, just a typical Saturday morning for the leader of the free world and the commander of a massive nuclear arsenal… accusing his predecessor of tapping the phones at Trump Tower and engaging the Kindergarten Cop in a tweet battle.

WTF, America?


For what it’s worth (which – and I’ll be the first to admit this – isn’t much based on how it’s worded), here is the official denial:


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3 thoughts on “Typical Saturday In America: President Accuses Former President Of Tapping His Phone, Calls Arnold Schwarzenegger “Pathetic”

  1. OK, Orange/julius (as in Caesar) supporters you realize that sooner rather than later you must come to grips with the realization that not only is O/j Crazy, but much more importantly, DANGEROUS. When you see enemies that aren’t THERE, what would you call IT? That just the crazy part. Now when you see enemies that aren’t there and perceive them as real with as much power as this man has you get to DANGEROUS….. Remember this president asked the moronic question “If we have nukes why can’t we use them?” or something to that effect. Look it up if you can’t or don’t want to believe me. Crazy and Dangerous, I’m afraid so. This has got to stop and republicans must (he is your guy) repeal and replace not Obamacare but your guy, NOW>

  2. To believe that this OJ has inserted himself in this position of power, and namby pamby Mitch nor lustful Paul has the f**king balls to take action.

    Maybe it’s time for real people, to show the 535 what is needed,

  3. To believe that this OJ has inserted himself in this position of power, and namby pamby Mitch nor lustful Paul has the f**king balls to take action.

    Maybe it’s time for real people, to show the 535 what is needed,

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