Good morning, this is your President and this is my morning rant.
First of all, I don’t know that f*cking Vladimir Putin. I mean, at least as far as you know I don’t. So for the last time, let’s just stop talking about it.
Also, I don’t know anything at all about geopolitics, which is why I don’t understand that it’s ironic to insult Iran while simultaneously supporting Russia. I also don’t understand that it’s not Shiites flying planes into buildings, which is why I’m going to parrot that thing someone told be about Iran being the number one sponsor of terror.
There are some polls out there that suggest most Americans think this is all crazy, but either the people that voted are “haters” or the people running the polls are “haters.” Either way, this is all just “haters”, and what can you do? Haters gon’ hate.
Lastly, it’s the “haters” that are crazy, not me. I tweeted this once, but I thought about it for 8 minutes and I’m not sure you got the point, so I’m going to tweet it again.
Have a good day.
Why and how can YOU love our last president (wink,wink,nod,nod) 60% approval, but NOT ME!?? HOW? HOW? HOW? HOW?