Goldman: Global Fund Managers “Concerned” With Trade Wars, Protectionism

Well we made it through Trump's first full week as President. Actually I guess we haven't made it yet. Let me rephrase. We made it through Trump's first full business week as President. Yes, the new commander-in-chief moved forward with plans to wall us all in. Yes, he did further alienate Mexico and its President. Yes, he did take the patently absurd step of essentially declaring his own inauguration day a holiday. Yes, he did put a gag order on government agencies. Yes, he did begin the proc

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One thought on “Goldman: Global Fund Managers “Concerned” With Trade Wars, Protectionism

  1. The great Orange julius and his presidential decree pen may have much more to say about this matter. Equity managers better have more than just a “low risk assessment” of this possibility. Could this fool blow-up “mucho” trade for awhile before the Republicans get the “strait jacket” on him. U BET….