Tuesday Humor (“Heroes”)
"Do you have any heroes?"
That's a pretty standard interview question reporters often ask when they're attempting to help the public get to know a heretofore unknown politician.
While it's true that Donald Trump was anything but "unknown" prior to his run for the White House, we never really had cause to ask him questions designed to reveal his character. He was a real estate developer, a billionaire (or at least that's what he says), and a reality TV show star. That was enough.
But not now.
Depends on how many years were repeated , without learning anything.
Of course it means I am MY heroes all of them I,ME,not YOU,not HIM,not THEM, it’s ME,ME,ME,ME. Who else could it AS this man IS A LEGEND IN HIS OWN MIND>
What Trump didn’t learn – from his Father, wives or mistresses – was how to complete a sentence.