Russia Prints Commemorative Trump Coin (Video Included)

Again, let me remind you that yes, this is reality.

Yes, this is really happening.

Via CBS News

A Russian metal working company has minted a sterling silver coin to commemorate President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, featuring Mr. Trump’s face and the slogan “In Trump we trust.”

The Associated Press Television News interviewed the man in charge of the company, who said the limited edition of 45 coins were designed to express his and other Russian business leaders’ “hopes associated with Trump.”


All but five of the commemorative coins will be cast in silver, with the others in gold. They measure almost five inches in diameter and weigh about two pounds each, similar to coins made by the company featuring Putin and other notable Russians.

One side of the coins feature an image of Mr. Trump’s face, while the other shows the Statue of Liberty and has an inscription of the “In Trump we trust” slogan.


APTN reports that Art-Grani is keen to present the first of the coins to Mr. Trump, and they’ve reached out to Russian diplomats and business partners in the U.S. to help arrange the presentation.

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