National Emergy
Regrettably, we're all (every one of us) condemned to spend the next four years chasing around Trump headlines in a futile attempt to discern which are worth trading and which are red herrings.
Investors were reminded of how annoying this charade can be earlier this week, when The Washington Post said the incoming administration was considering a more targeted approach to tariffs only to have Donald Trump himself declare the story "fake news" just hours later. The dollar whipsawed on the headli
“Now enteringtheTwilight Zone”?!
Gee, I wonder what parts of that time period Marc Andreessen finds so instructive? Was it the massive concentration of wealth or the corruption? Maybe the nationalism and militarism that led to the war ending that period? As long as technology is advancing, I guess everything else is secondary for these gods among men. Why spend your money helping people when technological advancement is how you define progress? Surely landing on Mars will demonstrate to the cosmos how mighty and important we are.
I’ve pointed out before that Congress will need to be the ones to enact tariffs so that they can offset tax cuts, thereby allowing them to pass their megabill (magabill?) through reconciliation. That said, I wonder if they won’t pull some quick slight of hand wherein Trump takes all tariffs to 0 when it comes time for CBO scoring, followed by Congress sending them right back up the next day. I can’t imagine that would cause any market disruptions.
More to the point, it’s all just wild speculation until we get a chance to actually taste the pudding. The thing that’s going to bug me the most going forward will be Trump failing to take the blame when his actions cause problems while simultaneously taking credit for positive outcomes where none is due. Open wide America!
I understand. I think I missed your point a while back. Thoughtful. Thanks.
” this time courtesy of CNN, which said Trump’s considering a national emergency declaration to give himself legal cover for instituting universal tariffs.”
1) this is NOT something new. Members of Trump’s team have been speaking of the idea publicly for months. In cited rather than anonymous sources that the right always is quick to dismiss. The reason for it is that they believe it will allow them to circumvent Congress.
2) Do you believe that the GOP-packed appellate courts and the Supreme Court will dare block him? The transition team has boasted how they have already lawyered up and prepared filings to stave off woke liberal attempts to thwart tariffs and mass deportations. As they have told us, they are well-prepared this time. Again, in cited rather than anonymous sources.
3) Perhaps a tell will be on how the Supreme Court rules on whether JT can be sentenced in New York on Friday. That case is interesting in its own right in that it demonstrates how the GOP will circumvent long and drawn-out appeals processes. Go right to the top and get an instant verdict!
Well, I’m shocked and amazed that the Supreme Court by a 5-4 margin dismissed Trump’s emergency appeal to postpone his Friday sentencing.
But I suppose that margin should not be terribly comforting….
Was there ever a clear explanation on why Biden kept Trump last set of tariffs in place if they were supposed to be so inflationary?
Perhaps because the first wave of damage was already one and reflected in the stats?
But you do raise a good question when it comes to tariffs on other countries besides China.
I feel like I’m watching the first 3 seasons of House of Cards suddenly start to really play out in real-time.