King Dollar Reigned In 2024
Remember when Western sanctions on $300 billion of Russian reserve assets ushered in the dawn of a "new monetary world order" defined by the "bloc-i-fication" of trade and finance and the triumphant rise of "BRICS Coin"?
I'm kidding. And yes, that's a thinly-veiled jab at a couple of would-be contrarians with delusions of analytical grandeur and misplaced pretensions to geopolitical expertise.
In the wake of Vladimir Putin's decision to pursue a bloody, revanchist fever dream in Ukraine, the c
You don’t want to be “king dollar” Even Trump knows that, but the Dems can’t figure it out. Look at where Barack handed off to Trump in Dec 2016, and where Biden is doing it now. Dumb! Problem is Trump’s planned course takes the dollar higher, even though that is not what he wants.