President Musk
"Vice President Trump" was briefly trending on "X" Thursday, which is... well, funny, for one thing.
The implication, obviously, is that Elon Musk is America's de facto head of state. That the joke was trending on the social media platform Musk controls suggests he wasn't upset about the notion.
Musk, who's all set to run a new agency tasked with trimming federal payrolls under the guise of "efficiency," has inserted himself into the US government funding debate over the last 48 hours, insisti
Former (and soon to be former) Republican Speakers of the House are going to need years of therapy and may need to form their own support group or they’ll be sitting in their rocking chairs muttering to themselves in old age after all Trump and his clown car have put them through. This governing thing is hard when you have to be the adult in the room.
I’d love to see Republicans rip the band aid off and show the country what happens when you put Musk in charge. I’m all for electing him as speaker at this point since the country obviously gave President Mump an overwhelming mandate with their whopping 1% margin of victory.
“Trump and Musk are in the process of setting up an out-in-the-open kleptocratic oligarchy so brazen it’d make the Kremlin blush.”?
I’ve long thought, and occasionally expressed the opinion, half-seriously, that the US Congress in cahoots with the Trump Organization is the largest racketeering organization ever devised, and ought to be prosecuted under RICO. Now, with TRUSK calling the shots, it appears half-serious is a too-restrained opinion, with a son Michael taking up the reins from Don Vito
At least Musk’s a lot smarter than Trump, if no more an adult in the room…but that could be like saying that at least Putin has ICBMs that can be more precisely targeted, in order to limit collateral damage…
Shutting down the government, especially at Christmas, will not be good headlines. I wonder if TruMusk are focused on their inside-Beltway power maneuvering and taking their eye off the public opinion ball and/or are mistaking the FoX echo chamber for the latter.
This sounds a little bit like Chomsky’s articulation of privatization: defund something so that it stop working well thus creating the preconditions and policy window for a “solution” and then auction it off. A government stuck in shut-down seems like the perfect set up to start hacking off agencies or gutting them. Then the private sector can start sucking our tax money out of the carcass of the federal government. Cue Musk’s seventh company.
privatization = transfer of state wealth to the American oligarchy. This is the real goal of Trump and his buddies.
Very timely, sir. This morning I noticed that sentiment bubbling up in the comments about news articles about the sudden impass. Things like “I voted for Trump, not Musk
Some even suggested that DJT will be happy to leave the annoying day’to-day stuff to Elon so he can be freed up to play golf and issue
vernight pronouncements.
I’m old school and first thing this morning I called my representative, a Republican, asking when in the hell was Elon Musk elected president? Of course I might as well just stepped outside and yell it to the sky. This is what we get with a public more interested in the next show to watch or what influencer is hot.
Yell it to a drone, you mean.
I will say the pay raise for House members included in the bill was egregious.
Debt ceiling is used by Reps against Dems more than it is used by Dems against Reps, so tactically Dems should withhold votes until it is permanently done away with – but, also tactically, should require the deed be done on Trump’s watch.
FWIW, I updated this article with the failed House vote on the Trump-backed measure.
38 defectors on Trump’s first budget bill? It sure didn’t take long for his overwhelming mandate to evaporate. You hate to see it 🙂 I just hope he’s as miserable as all the people he’ll be furloughing and takes it out on Musk.
The President Musk and headwaiter Trump memes, as assisted by AI, are funny. We know Trump has a great sense of humor.
“They have started to call him beta Trump.” Some talking head on msnbc
That head is going to get sued!