Buckle Up For A 2.5% Stock ‘Crash’

It's probably fair to suggest the unofficial "consensus" on Wall Street is year-end stock rally. SPX 6000 feels very much like a foregone conclusion. We're not especially far away as it is, which is to say 6000 isn't even a proper "bull case" anymore. You can pretty easily make a seasonal, flow of funds argument for a melt-up that takes the S&P through and well beyond the next thousand-point milestone. Of course, there'll be bumps in the road. Maybe even a pothole. Or a civil war in the US

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2 thoughts on “Buckle Up For A 2.5% Stock ‘Crash’

  1. I always chuckle when I hear the toothpaste thing–ever since I first hit a click-bait “Mark Cuban’s secret to blah blah blah” article. I chuckle because I actually did that once, albeit without intending to.

    I was at Target, and Crest was on my list. (I don’t remember the exact prices, these are just made up for illustrative purposes). One tube was $4.99, but they had two-packs for $4.49/tube or three-packs for $4.15/tube. So of course I’m going to get the three-pack. Only they also had a buy-2-get-1 special. So I’m going to buy 3 of course. They must’ve really needed to clear out shelf space in the toothpaste section of their warehouse, because they also had a deal where if you spend more than $25 on Crest, you got a $5 gift card. I was a dime short, so obviously I’m going to buy one more, but that means buying 3 more to take advantage of the BTGO deal…

    And that’s how I wound up buying 18 tubes of toothpaste for $2.49/tube. I used up the last one right as the expiration date was hitting, couldn’t have planned it better.

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