Paging Hassan Nasrallah
"Is your pager hot? Because my pager's hot."
We talk a lot about how dangerous it is to be a card-carrying Jew in the Middle East. And it is. Israel's surrounded by antagonists and nemeses, all hell-bent on the destruction of the Zionist project and in many cases on the annihilation of the Jewish people. But as dangerous as it is to be an Israeli Jew, it's equally, if not more, dangerous to be an enemy of the Israeli state. To sign up for membership in Iran's regional "Axis of Resistance" is to
How long can Israel maintain this tech superiority? If you read data security publications, you’ll come to realize that Iranian hackers are becoming more and more sophisticated. Certainly not up to Mossad levels, but thanks to AI, isn’t it just a matter of time? Then what?
Perhaps Gallant has is eyes on the future security of the country whilst Netanyahu’s eyes are solely fixated upon keeping his ass out of prison?
Curious what public opinion in Israel says. To me it seems so transparent what Netanyahu’s priorities are.
Shifting from tactics to strategy, I believe Israel, using 10/7 as pretext, is trying to bait Iran into a major response that would “justify” a full-scale assault by Israel on Iran’s nuclear facilities. So far, Iran seems reluctant to take the bait.