War, Dissolution Cast Long Shadow On IMF, World Bank Meetings
Recent events have exposed the multilateral institutions tasked with facilitating and preserving global peace and stability as wholly ineffectual.
That's nothing new. Indeed, describing the UN and sundry G[n]s as "ineffectual" is actually me being generous. I could conjure a long list of other, more pejorative adjectives. And they'd all be just as apt, if not more so.
But the slow-motion dissolution of the post-War world order feels increasingly like a fast-moving collapse. Unfortunately, that
China has weakened, as has the US. Far from big powers at loggerheads, I think we are entering a period of a no superpowers. Yes the US and China have more heft, but they are not “super” in many important ways. The world is in the process of adjusting to this reality.