Black Holes And Red Pills

I generally eschew the temptation to editorialize around Elon Musk's adventures in "red pill" Wonderland. For me, it's not terribly difficult to abstain. I'm not actually tempted, which is to say I'm wholly disinterested. Musk styles himself a kind of libertarian liberator par excellence -- self-appointed king of counter-narrative and Jesus of the anti-"woke" apostles. In reality, he's just another unfortunate soul who fell into the wrong rabbit hole and got lost down there. Plenty of very sm

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13 thoughts on “Black Holes And Red Pills

  1. Did you see Musk’s latest mind-blowingly offensive tweet? He posted it 2 days ago, and as of today, it’s still up.

    As far as I can tell, it’s a further endorsement of the “great replacement” conspiracy theory. I’ll post a link to the tweet below, but I would caution anyone not to click on it if they’re at work. For those not wanting to burn their eyeballs, the tweet is simply a meme, from a fairly common format:

    The bottom half is a picture of Pam from The Office, with the classic text, “They’re the same picture.” The top half is 2 very different images. On the left, a scene from the game Diablo IV: “You have died,” the game reads, as a bunch of shadowy, dark colored demons stand over a blurry white angelic figure. The second picture what looks like the cover photo from a gang-bang video, showing a petite white woman not wearing much, while 8 black men in their underwear stand behind her.

    What advertiser in their right mind would ever use this platform? Is there some audience they can’t risk not reaching that’s not to be found anywhere else? This isn’t some fringe white supremacist with 164 followers. This is the site’s owner, with 164 million followers. There’s no one person your advertisement is more likely to show up next to, and this is what he’s promoting.

  2. A while back it was really obvious. There were paid links at the bottom of Newsmax pages which, while marked as such, were easy to click on. Our friends at Sputnik were frequent posters there. Not sure if it is still the case.

  3. and of course Musk single handedly derailed a planned Ukrainian attack on Russia’s naval fleet by cutting of their communication network (allegedly…)…I see him more as a narcissistic sociopath, (much like a former president). Musk has seen the attention and success and is now in full emulation mode…still hoping 2022 was “Peak Musk.”

    Excellent effort, H…you’ve been rolling lately, with salient global political and historical coverage…really appreciate you and these efforts…

  4. I hope your migration to the center is indicative of a wider trend. That might postpone things for a while. A short-term tell is that I was deluged with Black Friday deals on bulk ammo. Ahead of the 2020 election, some vendors were charging one or even two dollars a shell. Now it’s down to 30 cents each on 9mm ammo. If those prices start to move up again, you’ll know we are in trouble.

    As to TikTok. Take a peek at the top 10 apps downloaded from the Apple AppStore in the US. Chinese apps are well-represented. You’ll have to ban ALL Chinese controlled apps, such as Temu, if you worry that the PRC will use them to manipulate gullible Americans. The PRC has done the opposite so it could be called a reciprocal act.

  5. Boy, Anon sounds like Manhattan has really changed. As recently as nine years ago, an overprivileged white man (me) could still dress up in a suit, go into the office, collect a large paycheck with great benefits for doing absolutely nothing all day, then step out on the town for scotch, bourbon, sushi and steaks, all without having to suffer a harsh word from anybody. Good thing I left when I did! Sounds like it’s a rough place for rich white men now.

    1. One of the defining features of the Trump era is that in order to keep Trump out of power, you have to accept anyone who opposes Trump into your camp. There is no space for nuance anymore, it’s us vs them. It would be great if there were a strong majority of moderates with solid values, and an intolerance of extremism, but with a willingness to move cautiously forward to improve the country and the world. But that’s not where we are.

      1. Anon, with all due respect, your characterization of this situation is detached from reality, a point I’ve tried to gently make previously. Your comments have a “the gentlemen doth protest too much, methinks” sort of feel to them. There’s no sense (none) in which any kind of liberal in America (center-left, progressive or whatever else) can say that their values are “for the most part, not all that different than Republicans” in 2023. The Republican party has systematically jettisoned anyone who opposes Donald Trump. Disavowing Trump is a one-way ticket out of the party. It’s not a party — it’s a personality cult. Period. As far as the social side of things, I hate to be this blunt, but conservative ideology is antiquated. It’s not consistent with modernity which is to say it’s not consistent with reality. And, with apologies, anyone who dislikes the country citing the rather glaring disparity between the Founders’ rhetoric on one side, and genocide against Native Americans and the enslavement of Africans on the other, is on pretty solid ground. Finally, if you think it’s annoying to hear “I hate white people” in Manhattan (which, as noted, is a ludicrous mischaracterization in the first place) just imagine what it’s like to be a minority in America. You’re African American and you walk into a Target and some salesperson whispers to the other “I hate black people.” Or you’re Hispanic and the people whose toilets you’re forced to scrub for a living assume your brother’s a gang member. Or you’re a Muslim and every time you get on an elevator you can just tell that everyone in there with you is thinking “Dear lord, I hope she’s not wearing a suicide vest.” Or, relatedly, you’re an attractive woman and every other man who passes you on the street is thinking something that I can’t even type here. I know a lot of center-left liberals and let me just say: They don’t talk like you. I think you’ve got early onset Republicanism, my friend, and you just don’t want to admit it.

    2. I hope that my values “are not that different than Republicans.” I suspect that you are harkening back to the era where “Country Club” and Fairfield County Republicans ran the party. That’s just a happy memory. The GOP southern strategy, masterfully expanded upon by Karl Rove, has changed the party to one based on racism.

      Think of immigration. Are people opposed because slimy immigrants are stealing American jobs? In an economy where the #1 issue appears to be a lack of workers? Or is it because they just don’t like people who don’t look or talk like you?

      The same way many of their grandparents were treated., even though they were nice white people.

      1. Anon. Reasonable thoughts on issues with so many interpretations and possible outcomes.

        But as to how many Republicans are actually racist, make a field trip from NYC to New Orleans. Then on over through Texas to Lubbock. Get drunk and talk to drunk people.

  6. It seems to me all narratives are guided by self interest. Certainly all major news outlets – BBC, CNN, FOX, FT – appear this way. Having read FT for some time, I am dsiheartened that they swept under cover Hunter Biden’s crimes and the administration’s cover ups – remember cocaine at the WH?. Everyone has an agenda. Im not sure Musk does. Or maybe he does and hides it too well. What specifically was anti-semitic in what he said, and was the backlash that ensued warranted?

    1. David, please. Give me a break. This is most assuredly not the platform for Hunter Biden conspiracy theories. Have a little respect for your own sanity. That you would mention Fox in the same breath as the BBC, CNN and the FT suggests you’re lost down the same rabbit hole as Musk. I encourage you to climb out before it’s too late. I’m closing the comments section on this article now. This is no longer constructive.

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