Behold: A Can’t-Miss Options Strategy Finally Sputters

For months (or maybe I should just say for the duration of the summer equity melt-up, however you care to date it), you didn't need to be especially clever to make money shorting vol. Stocks never sold off, and any meaningful move was usually on the upside, so you could make a tidy living just selling daily puts. Theoretically, anyway. You didn't want to be a call seller, though. There's a fine line between a melt-up and a crash-up, and too often (from the perspective of overwriters) spot care

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One thought on “Behold: A Can’t-Miss Options Strategy Finally Sputters

  1. Now that football season is starting, maybe try betting the big favorites on the money line. 90% win probability at least.

    You know you have arrived when you can successfully buy and sell calls for a profit. Until you live through the Yellowstone super volcano eruption or a nuclear explosion or a visit from space aliens who want revenge for their dead comrades and stolen ships, don’t tell me that you are an expert put seller. Just count your money in silence and enjoy life.