Around A Burning World
Sentiment was muted in Asia Thursday, and only slightly better than that in Europe, as traders assessed a hodgepodge of developments which together spoke to everything that's made 2022 so challenging for markets. A rally in US shares, welcome though it most assuredly was, did little to improve the overarching macro mood.
The outlook for China's economy worsened after Premier Li Keqiang delivered yet another sharply-worded warning, the latest in a series of exhortations to officials and policyma
Good luck, Viktor Orban. You’ll need it. Six or nine months from now, perhaps fewer, when your buddy, Vlad, in Russia is left licking his wounds from devastating sanctions and heavy war losses – if he’s not dead, and if he’s even in power – he will lean on you, his geographically closest friend, for help. And he will not be asking merely for moral support. But your actions today undermine your standing with the EU, so you’re biting the hand that feeds.
I wonder if your own people agree with your approach. You’re view of yourself as in charge and in control only works sometimes. It is fundamentally an illusion, whatever the system of government you employ.
Wow, the CPAC thing is surreal even after all we’ve seen.
“His first decree under the state of emergency: Companies from the airline, banking, energy, insurance, retail and telecom industries are compelled to hand over the “bulk of their extra profit” to Orban.” I don’t think you could come up with a much better textbook example for fascism.