Middle Class Now Terrified Of Inflation
There's good news and there's bad news if you're the Fed and you're concerned about inflation expectations.
I'll start with the bad news because, as a Bloomberg Opinion columnist put it Monday, "There's a bull market in macro doom."
Median year ahead expectations jumped to a harrowing 6.6% last month, according to the latest installment of the New York Fed's consumer survey. That's a new record (figure below).
As a reminder: The data only goes back to 2013.
Unfortunately, the jump in near-
I’m resigned to the fact Dems are going to get demolished in the mid terms, not because I like them but because I dislike the GOP more. My real worry now is 2024, if the Fed does indeed engineer a recession I think Jerome will need to deal with his old boss again. I honestly do not believe this nation can survive a return of the Don, I’m planing accordingly, I hate the prospect of immigrating again, the US is my home but I know better than sticking around while the house burns.
Bought 20 United States acres the Spring before the Don arrived. @#Q#(@&&#@