IMF Delivers Quarterly Warning No One Will Heed
Some days, when the mood strikes, I randomly give readers a window into what I suppose counts as "editorial strategy" on my end. Today is such a day.
Nobody cares about the IMF's growth projections. In most cases, stories amenable to flashy headlines translate to heightened reader interest, but in my experience, forecasts from the IMF and the World Bank are an exception.
You can spice it up (so to speak) however you like, and still, nobody will care. Even the IMF itself took a stab at creati
“…if only anyone were listening.”
Paging, Ms. Cassandra… Ms. Cassandra, legend of Greek mythology, please pick up the nearest white courtesy phone.
For a long time before its demise in print I used to subscribe to both Newsweek and Business Week (now Bloomberg BW). I never ceased to wonder when these two magazines, which arrived on the same day, would have the same basic cover story. I will never forget the day that both magazines seemingly discovered population demographics covering trends that were decades old when the editors of both mags awoke on the same day and said wow, we should do a cover on this amazing trend. Month after month these two independent magazines would somehow discover the same wondrous trends simultaneously and make them the big story of the week. It seems Bloomberg is keeping the side up with its discovery of the IMF’s view of the future. Come on man!