Larry Fink, Brian Kemp, And The Mask Question
Speaking at a Chamber of Commerce event on Friday, Anthony Fauci described himself as optimistic.
I'm sure that's not easy in the current circumstances, considering the nation's top infectious disease expert has come under fire both publicly and privately from administration officials. While the White House sought to distance itself from Peter Navarro's abrasive Op-Ed deriding Fauci this week, numerous reports suggest he's on the outs for failing to countenance an aggressive approach to reopeni
I posted this earlier to your “Numb it All” post, but it fits better here.
Not sure why their is such optimism over a vaccine. Even if we assume a viable vaccine will be approved by the end of the year, what can we expect after that?
Well, if the PPE and testing boondoggle are any guide, then we should expect vaccines to flow freely among the White House, Congress, NBA, NFL and Hollywood, while the rest of us wait weeks or months for them to trickle down, even then requiring us to drive long distances and/or wait in long lines for the privilege.
And even if/when general availability of vaccine arrives, given what we are currently witnessing in refusing to weak masks as an existential risk to life and freedom as we know it, I would expect that the anti-vaccine crowd will surge to unprecedented numbers, of course at the worst possible time.
Limited, controlled availability + freedom to be me + Trump fudge factor = no panacea.
And worrisome indications that antibodies developed in response to the virus are not that persistent (i.e., lose their efficacy after six months or so).
And add to it that we don’t know what the long term effects are after you’ve been infected.
Add to that the probability the vaccine costs are astronomical and insurance isn’t keen on biting that profit loss while yes anti vaxxers align with anti maskers and yeah… I am not optimistic, I have even seen some personal testimonials of people sick with severe symptoms much in line with covid but testing negative multiple times… so we may already be in a situation where a new strain exists in the US and at the same times CDC and White House task force recommendations are being suppressed… This winter is going to be very bad I suspect.
Agreed on all points. A vaccine is good news to be sure, but nothing about it ascribes to an optimistic roll out by ANY means, given how everything COVID related has been handled so far in 2020.
Hopefully a different national leader will be in power and some common sense will prevail. Like everyone gets the vaccine at no charge.
My hometown back in Hidalgo County, TX had a judge finally issue a lockdown order yesterday (7/20/2020). It’s not ‘enforceable’ in any sense as far as I can tell, but it’s everything you’d expect: 10PM – 5 AM curfew, stay-at-home, no more than 2 people out at once for ONLY essential services/needs, no business can be open that don’t offer pickup or curbside service and no gatherings of more than 10 people w/o the corresponding city’s mayor’s approval.