
Well, it's official -- coronavirus is proliferating at an "unacceptable" rate in Texas. For at least two weeks, critics of the reopening push have described the situation in "hot spots" across the US using a variety of adjectives, almost all of which could be found in the thesaurus under the entry for "unacceptable". On Monday, Governor Greg Abbott used the term to describe the rate of infection in his state after hospitalizations surged by 302 in 24 hours, the largest single-day jump in weeks

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15 thoughts on “Unacceptable.

  1. Let’s hope Texas can get this flattened to avoid as much unnecessary human suffering as they possibly can.

    1. I just watched for the first time the clip from Trump’s Tulsa speech about testing. Trump said that the increase in cases is a result of the success of testing. I surmise that what Trump is saying, extending it to Texas, is that if Texas wants to stop Covid, Texas needs to strive to reduce the rate of Covid testing / 100k persons.

  2. 47 Florida -8.27% 7.55%
    (44) 14.47%
    (46) 9.49%
    (45) 15.13%
    (46) 19.00%
    (29) 17.04%
    (46) 7.28%
    48 Georgia -6.05% 8.14%
    (46) 15.58%
    (48) 10.40%
    (49) 13.61%
    (41) 33.20%
    (50) 20.21%
    (49) 6.44%
    49 Oklahoma -4.66% 8.25%
    (47) 16.31%
    (49) 10.47%
    (50) 14.87%
    (45) 25.17%
    (41) 19.38%
    (48) 7.30%
    50 Texas -6.00% 11.15%
    (50) 20.23%
    (50) 10.29%
    [sorry for the formatting]
    Someday, the magates will learn: actions have consequences. In the meantime, who’s going to pay the hospitals?

  3. Now that Covid-19 has become deeply politicized, it’s not clear that places like Texas can re-imposed lockdowns successfully.

    1. Nor can they change the mind of anti-maskers who now treat it like their ‘red badge of courage’, proof that they are fearless and brave Maga warriors.

    1. Indeed. Especially amongst the morbidly obese. So you can bet your last dollar the DOnald has stopped taking it. The US has 19 million doses of it stockpiled, by the way, Donsmoke better hope a malaria outbreak happens soon before they expire. Protocol… yeah, right. How he managed to graduate med school is a mystery. Where’s the control group? Where’s ebven any test data showing the patients he ‘treated’ with teh anti-arthritis drug actually HAD the covids? Sheesh. My 8 year old could do a better job.

      1. Really? Can I assume you are saying we should have people drink bleach before we reject that idea out of hand?

  4. “The real blow for sentiment would be… if hospitalizations reached levels where local health care systems were seen in jeopardy.”

    We are roughly one month out from surpassing hospital capacity in Arizona, Texas and Florida. Because any changes in behavior will require two weeks to have any effect, that result is almost unavoidable. I don’t see any heroes among the governors of Arizona, Texas or Florida…. and the President is a dead loss with respect to science and medicine. Don’t get sick and avoid all accidents in those three states (sarcasm).

    @D Price you are have a firm grasp of the basic logic of the situation. Why can’t others see that?

    1. I spent many years studying sub-visual sciences. Therefore have developed means to characterize and understand the sub-visual world. ‘Others’ and I mean most, have no need of such training.

      I am also a person who is comfortable with uncertainty of the models and have developed a flexibility in understanding that models are only just that a model. Good example of model uncertainty is the duality of light, at times it is a particle, at times it is a wave. Yes it is both.

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