‘A Wholesale Decapitation’: Stephen Miller’s Purge Continues As Trump Ousts Secret Service Director ‘Tex’

He’s executing his plan with what amounts to a wholesale decapitation of the Department of Homeland Security leadership.

That’s what one official told CNN regarding Stephen Miller’s ongoing effort to clean house and otherwise rid relevant departments of anyone who he feels isn’t on board with the strictest version of the Trump administration’s hardline immigration stance.

Following DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s unceremonious ouster, the media is abuzz with speculation about what’s next from the White House now that Miller has apparently parlayed a worsening situation at the border into an iron grip on immigration policy.

Miller always had Trump’s ear, but in the aftermath of the bruising battle with Nancy Pelosi (which resulted in an embarrassing Rose Garden relent and thrust the president into a contentious back-and-forth with hardline conservatives including the incorrigible Ann Coulter) and on the heels of a humiliating bipartisan rebuke of his emergency declaration (which forced the first veto of his presidency), Stephen now wields more sway than ever, according to multiple sources familiar with the situation who have spoken to the media over the past week.

Read more

‘It’s Intimidation’: Stephen Miller, Now Immigration Czar, Is Calling Random People At DHS, Justice And State

Well, on Monday afternoon, Secret Service director Randolph “Tex” Alles became the latest casualty of Miller’s purge.

“The USSS director was told two weeks ago there would be a transition in leadership and he was asked to stay on until there was a replacement”, one source told CNN.

Apparently, some Secret Service officials were not notified and only found out through media reports.

If you’re wondering whether this is related to the security breach at Mar-a-Lago (where a Chinese woman was caught with an impressive collection of electronics), the answer is no. Or at least not as far as anyone could tell on Monday.

Rather, this is all Miller. “The Secret Service director reports directly to the Secretary of Homeland Security”, CNN reminds you.

Well, with Nielsen gone, it’s apparently time to replace “Tex” too. CNN goes on to cite another senior administration official as saying “there is a near-systematic purge happening at the nation’s second-largest national security agency.”

Also on the figurative chopping block are United States Citizenship and Immigration Services director Francis Cissna and Office of the General Counsel’s John Mitnick.

The job of firing “Tex” of course falls to Mick Mulvaney.

One hopes Mick has resigned himself to the role of executioner, because it sounds like Miller is far from done.

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