Democrats To Subpoena Trump Tower Phone Records

Donald Trump is going to lose his mind with Adam Schiff.

On Wednesday, Schiff made it abundantly clear that Trump’s desperate State of the Union plea for limits on investigations into the administration is destined to fall on deaf Democrat ears.

Schiff, now House Intelligence Chairman, is reinvigorating the panel’s Russia probe a mere 11 months after Devin Nunes succeeded in shutting it down.

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Donald Trump, Harassment Expert, Is Being Harassed By Adam Schiff

Hot on the heels of Wednesday’s lengthy press release (which included a pledge to uncover “whether Trump, his family, or his associates are or were at any time at heightened risk of, or vulnerable to, foreign exploitation, inducement, manipulation, pressure, or coercion”) Democrats are all set to subpoena phone records tied to the infamous June 2016 Trump Tower meeting.

That’s according an article out Thursday evening in The Hill, which notes that “the process of preparing the order came one day after the committee became formally constituted.”

While the specifics of the subpoena “remain unclear, the order goes to the heart of the committee’s plan to investigate ties between the Trump campaign and Russia”, the short piece goes on to say.

This comes just days after CNN reported that the blocked calls Trump Jr. received prior to the Trump Tower meeting were not in fact to his father, but rather to “business associates.”

The forthcoming subpoena will be the first official order from Schiff in his capacity as chairman and it does not bode well for a White House that spent the months ahead of the midterms fretting about the prospect of endless investigations if the House flipped to Democrats.

Recall what one Trump ally told the Washington Post back in September:

Winter is coming. Assuming Democrats win the House, which we all believe is a very strong likelihood, the White House will be under siege. But it’s like tumbleweeds rolling down the halls over there. Nobody’s prepared for war.

They better get “prepared” in a hurry, because “war” is here.

Underscoring that are reports that Schiff is recruiting former White House employees in an effort to get a leg up on Trump as Democrats move ahead with what is expected to be a sweeping effort to discover what, if any, leverage foreign interests have over the president.

“The Dems and their committees are going ‘nuts'”, Trump tweeted on Thursday, again proving that he doesn’t understand how to use scare quotes. “Even stealing people who work at White House!”, he went on to exclaim.

According to a separate article from The Hill, Schiff has hired former NSC staffer Abigail Grace. In response to Trump’s tweet, Schiff said this:

We have a long tradition of hiring out of the intelligence community, the National Security Council. And if the president is worried about our hiring any former administration people, maybe he should work on being a better employer.

Nothing further – for now.


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3 thoughts on “Democrats To Subpoena Trump Tower Phone Records

  1. geesh, from his guilty behavior it seems he is shocked that he can be investigated at all — he thought as King he had reached the pinnacle of his criminal career. He needs to relax and go with the flow — this is only day 1. 😎

  2. And yet, did you all not find it extraordinary that Aaron Burr’s kin had effectively concluded that, after his two year Senate Intelligence Committee’s Russia-Trump investigation he/they have yet to find evidence of collusion between Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and the Kremlin?! Is this man off his rocker? Even Rudy doesn’t have the unmitigated audacity to offer up that tripe!!

    1. Ha! Well, he’s an idiot! But he has far more to fear from his buddy Repubs if he reported anything less than his upcoming bullshit report. He clearly has no regard that Aaron Burr could be flipping in his grave. So, I was ready for another cuppacoffee and checked on Aaron’s life at Wiki and soon was mesmerized with his story!

      All I really knew about him was the famous duel when he killed Hamilton. Perhaps this NC clown Richard Burr is actually cut from the same cloth; read this: “By the conclusion of his trial for treason, despite an acquittal, all of Burr’s hopes for a political comeback had been dashed, and he fled America and his creditors for Europe. Dr. David Hosack, Hamilton’s physician and a friend to both Hamilton and Burr, loaned Burr money for passage on a ship.”

      It is an amazing story! (he was an atheist) (Burr advocated education for women, he also submitted a bill to allow women to vote) (frequent patron of prostitutes) (unsuccessfully sought to abolish slavery) Oh, and get this one — “Hamilton thought that Burr’s self-serving nature made him unfit to hold office, especially the presidency”. Now, who does that sound like??! hahaha!

      Thanks Marty, for dropping the bread crumbs that led me there!

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