‘Disgraceful Bullsh*t’: Rod Rosenstein Story Sparks Civil War In Journo Land
On Monday morning, Axios set the political world on fire with a scoop that tipped the resignation of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Originally, the article stated that Rosenstein had “verbally resigned” to Chief of Staff John Kelly. Axios's Jonathan Swan has since apologized for that wording, although he needn't have been sorry for anything.
"I regret the way I wrote this morning's version of the story", Swan said on Monday afternoon, adding that "by saying Rosenstein had 'v
Well stated. I hope many journalists see this. The journalists infighting is exactly what orange Cartman wants to have happen.
Dotard Trump has often bragged how easy it is to manipulate the media. And that includes Faux News.
Yellow journalism is deplorable. Easily-manipulated journalists are ‘sad’. The clueless public majority (including those who actually vote) is infuriating …
YES! and if yesterday’s ‘Breaking News’ that differed from one channel to the next did not adequately teach some of them a lesson, nothing will. I hope there were many meetings with the bosses after all that nonsense!
It was ridiculous coverage right down to a close up camera shot thru the bushes to point out Rosenstein and Kelly shaking hands…seriously guys? Not to mention how biased the journalists are from one channel to the next — starting to take on the behavior at FOX?
If I sound a bit angry, I am. I still blame the f’n media for their predictions of ‘Hillary gonna win, trump has no chance’ — too many people believed that crap and did not get off their couch and go vote. Their warped 24/7 coverage of his disgusting behavior fed his campaign free publicity and then when the election was over, I watched some of them cry because he won. duh.
GO VOTE – it’s the only way to fix this mess!