Marc Faber Is ‘Not A Racist’ – But Thank God ‘The Blacks’ Don’t Run America

Ok, well allow us to go ahead and add Marc Faber to the list of people who we will never - ever - again quote or otherwise listen to about anything. Marc is adored by people predisposed to taking a cynical view on markets and if you're in the camp that thinks "long food, long bullets, and long kerosene lamps" might be the best way to "position" for the inevitable unwind, well then "Doctor Doom" is for you. Or maybe "Doctor Doom" isn't for you. Because hopefully, the following screengrab will

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23 thoughts on “Marc Faber Is ‘Not A Racist’ – But Thank God ‘The Blacks’ Don’t Run America

      1. Living in Hong Kong and Thailand makes him an expert on African political development?

        And nice job on the personal attack! Although it’s a subject I actually know quite a lot about.

        1. You said nothing about African political development. You said only, “You have to wonder if he, like, even knows about colonialism.”

          Hong Kong was colonial until 20 years ago and he lived & managed money there during two decades of colonial rule, and in other former colonies in the region.

          So your original insinuation that he knows nothing about colonialism is absurd.

        2. I also meant to include…. with all due respect to you and your significant knowledge about the matter which I accept on your word is significant and not the issue here. Apologies for my original tone which was not really about you but rather about Mr Faber.

      1. Well, that is a very interesting comment. How do you know that or why do you think that? Why would a white supremacist be especially attracted to an Asian woman? Can you provide some reference material to support that conclusion? Very curious.

  1. Fortunately for him, Mr Faber’s office is in Hong Kong, rather than in Amerikkka where economic freedom and thought is relatively oppressed (reference last week’s freedom study released by ….

    Happy Deepavali to all from Singapore-Malaysia where it’s a public holiday, to celebrate the most festive time of year for our small but vibrant Indian community here (8% of the population). Cheers!!

    1. Latest freedom ranking for those not inclined to clink the link.

      The top two are the runaway leaders, and only the top five rate as “free”:

      1) Hong Kong
      2) Singapore

      3) New Zealand
      4) Switzerland
      5) Australia

      Rounding out the top ten: (somewhat free)

      6) Estonia
      7) Canaduh
      8) Dubai (UAE)
      9) Ireland (despite EU repression and the EU whip on them this year to hike taxes)
      10) Chile

      Gotta look down to find the fallen angel which until last decade ranked at or near the top.

      17) United States

      “Large budget deficits and a high level of public debt have contributed to the continuing decline in America’s economic freedom. Having registered its lowest economic freedom score ever, the United States is no longer among the world’s freest economies.

      “The substantial expansion of government’s size and scope, increased regulatory and tax burdens, and the loss of confidence that has accompanied a growing perception of cronyism, elite privilege, and corruption have severely undermined America’s global competitiveness.”

        1. Economic freedom.

          Same conclusion in every credible study I’ve seen whether Deloitte, Mercer, HSBC…

          No surprise to anyone who has lived, worked, started or managed a business, filed taxes & invested there and in other countries.

          Certainly almost anyone who has lived in Hong Kong has fallen in love with it. Except for the astronomical housing prices (by far the highest in the world). Singapore must be the cleanest, best run, most civilized place on the planet (and the second wealthiest nation next to Qatar, depending on the source).

          1. Agreed that Singapore must be the cleanest, best run, most civilized place on the planet – but Singapore is a self proclaimed socialist republic and stands for all the things attacked by MF in this article. I don;t see how you can defend both Singaporean state socialism (IMO a very good thing) and also articles that attack that approach? Am I missing something?

          2. That’s an enlightened perspective that could launch a book of discussion, but not by me because I’m not very knowledgeable about it even though I’m a guest resident and businessman here.

            But I’d say that Singapore’s social programs are in measured doses, sensible, balanced and most importantly co-exist with an abundance of free market incentives that stimulate free market capitalism which propels the private economic sector and foreign-direct investment that pays for the social benefits to those who genuinely need that. In addition, both Singapore and HK have no tolerance for corruption and cronyism, which has become a problem & burden in America along with political lobbying & payoffs.

            The most pervasive and interesting aspect of state involvement in Singapore is the HDB (housing), which is arguably a unique situation due to the high population density and consequential high cost of housing. As you observed, it’s indeed difficult to reconcile this extensive intervention with articles that laud Singapore’s free market economy. But without HDB, the Singaporean housing scene would look more like HK housing (not a great thing for the masses). That said, Singaporeans aspire to own their own private home, but as it’s increasingly out of reach financially, even with their high and rising salaries with low taxes, ultimately they must settle for HDB and ownership of a vacation/retirement home abroad instead. Many increasingly can/do buy a property (often for cash) in Australia, North America or elsewhere in SE Asia, including across the border in Malaysia such as a breezy, tropical seafront property like mine – so it’s not so bad.

            Looking around the world today, the best managed and most economically successful countries seem to all be very small nations. So perhaps the solution is to decentralize government power, and instead empower smaller, local government. As big, central government everywhere is failing.

  2. The very concept of “Racial Equality” is bullshit. Those who promote the idea should read Charles Darwin on the subject. No one race has cornered the market in survival adaptations of great value. As far as market pundits, they matter little compared to who has the best algorithms and whose servers are nearest the trading floor.