White Supremacists Return To Charlottesville, Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’, Wave Torches, Sing ‘Dixie’

Do me a favor, will you?

Have a look at the following picture and try not to laugh (I bet you can’t do it):


So that’s Richard Spencer sporting a cream-colored suit with a white pocket square and holding a barely-lit Home Depot tiki torch. He’s flanked by two guys who I guess are supposed to be a security detail, but look more like a couple of college freshman dressed up in grey sport coats they stole from dad’s closet.


Apparently unsatisfied with having touched off one of the worst episodes of racial turmoil in recent history back in August, Spencer was back in Charlottesville on Saturday night where he and a couple dozen like-minded “good” samaritans gathered in Emancipation Park and chanted messages of unity and hope like: “You will not replace us,” and “Russia is our friend” and “the South will rise again.”

They also sang “Dixie.” Here’s a fun video:


Got that? No? That’s because it doesn’t make any sense. 

Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signer was most assuredly not amused:


When it was all said and done, Spencer deemed it a resounding success, uploading this truly laughable post-game analysis to Twitter, apparently with no conception whatsoever of how ridiculous he sounds:

If they allow access to Twitter in the Seventh Circle of Hell, you can bet the Führer cringed with incredulity at what’s become of his “legacy”…


Oh, and here’s some advice for Spencer: take those tiki torches and go march in Baltimore. See how that works out for you.


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