White Supremacist Site Stormfront Seized By Website Host After Outcry
Another one bites the dust.
Two weeks after The Daily Stormer was uninvited from the party we all call "the internet" in retaliation for an absurdly egregious post that branded Charlottesville victim Heather Heyer a "fat, childless, slut," Stormfront has now gotten the boot as well.
"Stormfront, an international supremacist web forum, appears to have been seized by its website host, Network Solutions, LLC," USA Today reports, adding that "Network Solutions has also prohibited Stormfront from
Mein Kampf comes before the Endsieg
GOOGLE RESULTS FOR Mein Kampf comes before the Endsieg:
Endsieg is German for “ultimate victory”. Origin and historical usage[edit]. The word became … Adolf Hitler used ‘Endsieg’ in his book Mein Kampf (My Struggle) in 1925 when he asked the rhetorical question if fate wanted the Jewish people to…
Adolf Hitler used ‘Endsieg’ in his book Mein Kampf (My Struggle) in 1925 when he asked the rhetorical question if fate wanted the Jewish people to achieve final victory.
In the 1930s and 1940s, the word was widely used in the propaganda of the ‘Third Reich’. ‘Endsieg’ was part of the Nazi doctrine: Temporary losses notwithstanding, the ‘Third Reich’ would ultimately prevail, and thus any breakdown in allegiance to Nazi ideology was not to be tolerated. This conjuration of final victory became more desperate in 1943 when allied successes forced Germany onto the defensive. Joseph Goebbels still spoke about the ‘Endsieg’ as late as March 1945.[1]
H should take a look at this and determine if he thinks it should remain posted here.
– Murphy
Ooh, it’s Nazi codeword time.
Not to diminish the seriousness of this or anything, but there is something farcical, even comical, about losers and dead-enders from two of perhaps the three most catastrophically unsuccessful political movements in modern history coming together under the banner of a president who promises they will never stop winning again, all in the name of protecting some old artwork.