Cloudflare CEO Just Can’t Live With Himself After Firing Nazis From Internet
By Matthew Prince, co-founder and CEO of Cloudflare, published in WSJ
I helped kick a group of neo-Nazis off the internet last week, but since then I’ve wondered whether I made the right decision. I’m the co-founder and CEO of Cloudflare. We run a global network that makes internet applications faster and protects them from cyberattacks. If you haven’t heard of us, I’m not surprised. We’re part of the internet’s infrastructure, one of the gro
Not, perhaps, the most sympathetic headline for an honest and to my mind compelling statement of the issues affecting the right to freedom of speech.
well, that’s probably a reflection of the fact that I think his second-guessing himself is silly in this situation.
and let’s not pretend that The Daily Stormer didn’t know full well that they were tempting fate here.
i mean if i decide that the best way to exercise my right to free speech is to run out into the middle of street and start screaming at the top of my lungs about “fat, childless sluts”, I think it’s reasonable for me to assume that the authorities are likely to show up and ask me exactly what the fuck it is that i think i’m doing.
Bit harsh, Walt
In every walk of life, I prefer the guys who question themselves rather than the ones who just assume they’re always right
And I’m absolutely certain that I’m correct to make the preference 100% of the time…..
spend a day on the inside at one of these alt-Right media portals and I can assure you you’ll come away feeling a bit different about whether they belong on the internet.
here’s a good example: https://heisenbergreport.com/2017/08/21/what-would-you-do-if-we-asked-you-to-lie-sputnik-fired-writer-over-seth-rich-story/
Sputnik asking a reporter to lie about Seth Rich’s murder. that’s not only an egregious affront to a mourning family, but a blatant attempt to influence American democracy by (literally) suggesting that the DNC are a gang of conspiratorial murderers.
and Sputnik is in quite cozy with some of the alt-Right sites operating in the US.
of course not all alt-Right sites are as outrageous as the Stormer. but that’s when you have to ask who’s actually more dangerous? the idiot who gets kicked off the internet for ranting about Charlottesville in a post that no one other than bigots would take seriously? or is it the sites like Sputnik who instead push lies out as “news”?