I just want to take a minute to point how how truly ridiculous the Right-wing, propaganda machine has become and by virtue of those folks’ inherent stupidity it won’t take me long.
“Patriotusa.website” (a bastion of credible information) ran a story a couple of days ago and here’s how it starts:
Conservative author Dinesh D’Souza uncovered something that blows the Left’s whole narrative to bits. While they have been throwing around claims that the white supremacist who ran over a protester who was blocking the road is a Republican, D’Souza discovered he actually an Obama-supporting Democrat.
Kessler didn’t just support Obama; he visited the Oval Office in 2016. Here’s a photo of the two of them having a fun chat:
Now I don’t know about you, but to me something seems a little off with that picture.
To date, 3,762 people have read that post and while we’d like to believe that quite a few of those readers realized immediately that something was amiss, you can bet your ass that quite a few of them bought it hook, line, and sinker.
If you’re wondering what the real version of that obviously doctored picture looks like, here it is:
There you have it America: proof positive that Will Ferrell is in on it too.
and why would talking to Obama make him a “supporter” anyway? Oh, b/c their stupid…
Guys, it’s a right wing “Onion”. Not creative, not funny and not smart humor, but also not serious.
You can bet your whatever that many if not most alt-right readers …oops.. lookers think what they are seeing is real, alt-right “onion” or not. Plus I knew Will Ferrell was a plant, it is so obvious.