‘If It Weren’t So Ignorant, One Could Mourn This Collapse Of Dignity’
We thought this was a good time to run a few excerpts from a longer piece by Toni Morrison, published in The New Yorker in November of last year
This is a serious project. All immigrants to the United States know (and knew) that if they want to become real, authentic Americans they must reduce their fealty to their native country and regard it as secondary, subordinate, in order to emphasize their whiteness. Unlike any nation in Europe, the United States holds whiteness as the uni
Only because the white supremacy beliefs and actions of their President Trump are similar to theirs, and therefore – they are enabled by him as they were in VA this past weekend. You can count on Trump again supporting white supremacy and him being responsible from more deaths. This isn’t the end of it – and it won’t be until there is an end to Trump’s time in office. More importantly perhaps, it isn’t the end of Trump supporting Republicans (including their spineless Congressman) being painted with the same tarry brush of Nazism as Trump has been the past days – the world over. It’s time for Republicans to weigh their self dignity against their Republican Party devotion – and decide not to be a Trump Nazi – unless this is who they really are.
Self dignity? None, and this is who they really are. Have been for nearly 50 years now. Oh, you must sprinkle in the religious right that disavows scientific fact as they await the Rapture and, of course, the old guard that wants to take their billions to the grave or create a few more Paris Hilton’s or Donny Jr’s. for that matter.
Get rid of Bannon and two “Nazis” still remain in the WH and one is Jewish for crying out loud! Get rid of Trump and the country must deal with another form of crazy from IN. And don’t get me started on the likes of Louie Gohmert in congress or that cabinet dream team.
All in all, it’s going to be at least another year and a half of hell for people with some semblance of rationality.