The Death Of Political Norms In America

Over the weekend, The New York Times ran a good piece about the deterioration of political discourse in America. We covered it in "'You’re Pure Evil': NY Times Indicts An America That’s Lost Its Mind." Simply put, Americans can no longer talk to each other about politics in a way that even approximates civility. "Let's not talk about politics" has gone from being something people to say to each other to avoid an adversarial conversation, to a standing rule we all have to observe if we wan

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3 thoughts on “The Death Of Political Norms In America

  1. Mr. Dionne, could you somehow pick maybe the twelve most important comments and arrange those in a one page – bullet points presentation style; maybe work in some – pictures to portray a few thoughts and perhaps arrange those into a – nice pretty map with some bright colors? It would be about the only way Trump would be able to pay attention long enough to absorb any productive suggestions. Thanks so much!

    – Murphy

  2. This reader’s nostalgia points to a very contradictory era. Surely if it was a time when expressing a controversial opinion led to being physically assaulted, it was courageous men rather than weak men who spoke their minds freely.

    Also I take note of this typical deplorable’s special pleading that he should be permitted to use force to suppress political viewpoints he dislikes.

    Where does one buy a brown shirt nowadays?

  3. While there is fault to go around, without a doubt, the 4 horsemen of our political apocalypse: Gingrich, Murdoch, Ailes and McConnell. Starting in the 90’s these men have done more to destroy, undermine and dismantle governance and toxify political culture and discourse in this country.