Goldman Is Worried About America’s $2 Trillion Commercial Real Estate Problem
If you read a lot of sell-side research you know Street analysts aren't particularly adept at penning executive summaries.
Generally speaking, you should be able to summarize the main points of a piece of research in series of bullet points, and if you can't, you're either not a very good writer or else you may not completely understand what it is you're writing about.
Really good writers who do actual research can summarize hundred page documents in one paragraph. That's one reason why the va
Here we go again boys.
As a long term real estate professional I would say that the Goldman model is likely somewhat flawed but the summary provided here provides virtually nothing upon which GS arrives at their conclusions. So they have a model, BFD.
Plus the leap to distressed debt in this scenario leaves out a discussion of so many market variables that is virtually worthless. There is NO point driven home emphatically. So what’s the point of publishing this claptrap.
And by the way, I’d be very skeptical of anything GS puts out for public consumption. They always have an agenda that isn’t necessarily aligned with yours.