Marine Le Pen Isn’t A Nazi – And She’ll Prove It By Stepping Down As FN Leader

Oh look!

A publicity stunt to distance herself from being a raving anti-Semite.

Marine Le Pen has “temporarily” stepped down as leader of the party most associated with her notoriously racist father.

One hopes French voters aren’t naive enough to call this anything but what it is: a transparent smoke screen (smoke screens that are transparent usually aren’t very effective).

Here’s AP

French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has announced that she is temporarily stepping down as head of her National Front party.

Monday’s move appears to be a way for Le Pen to embrace a wide range of potential voters ahead of the May 7 runoff between herself and Emmanuel Macron, the independent centrist who came in first in Sunday’s first round.

“Tonight, I am no longer the president of the National Front. I am the presidential candidate,” she said on French public television news.

Le Pen has said in the past that she is not a candidate of her party, and made that point when she rolled out her platform in February, saying the measures she was espousing were not her party’s, but her own.

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6 thoughts on “Marine Le Pen Isn’t A Nazi – And She’ll Prove It By Stepping Down As FN Leader

  1. “smoke screens that are transparent usually aren’t very effective”
    Trump’s were effective enough to bring the world to the brink, and were totally transparent to anyone who thinks even a little.

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