Right-Wing Website “Westmonster” Can’t Believe Twitter Would “Censor” Drudge Report

Isn't it hilarious when people get caught talking out of both sides of their mouth? I think so. See the thing is, big government should stay out of the affairs of private enterprise. Why should a bunch of bureaucrats be allowed to influence decisions that should by all rights be left in the hands of the people who actually worked to build their own businesses and who, almost by definition, have a better read on what's good for their companies, their shareholders, and their customers? ...said

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3 thoughts on “Right-Wing Website “Westmonster” Can’t Believe Twitter Would “Censor” Drudge Report

  1. “Some people’s idea of free speech is that they are free to say what they like but if anyone says anything back, that is an outrage”. Winston Churchill.

    This has happened from the Beltway in Washington D.C. to Berkeley in California, and around the world. It seems that all radicals, of every stripe, act and react the same. It’s been said that a man becomes what he opposes. Once again, the truth rears it’s ugly head. Donald Trump is pondering the destruction of a sovereign state. Let’s hope deeper thinkers hold sway.