God Save Our Pets

"In Springfield, they're eating the dogs!" Donald Trump boomed, to incredulous chuckles from Kamala Harris on the split screen. "They're eating the cats. They're eating --" he paused to compose himself with Harris by then laughing audibly to his left. "They're eating the pets of the people that live there." That, in a nutshell, is how the second presidential debate went for the former president. So, not especially well. The debate didn't go especially well for Trump. We should be clear-eyed: T

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13 thoughts on “God Save Our Pets

  1. A quick check of socials confirmed my impression: that D leaners thought Harris crushed it, while R leaners thought Trump won & blamed any short comings on the moderators. Trump did actually perform well–for Trump. You could even argue he outperformed “expectations.”

    What was more interesting: seeing a mutual reacting to the Taylor Swift endorsement of Harris. “Who cares what Taylor Swift thinks?!#(*@&”

    You. You care. Clearly you care.

  2. Harris crushed him. The moderators fact checked him. He looked like the nut job he is. Winning this debate does not guarantee winning the election though. Taylor swift gave djt the shive right after the debate ended. Not a good night for the Maga faithful.

  3. I would have liked to see Harris clarify that Americans pay the tariffs we implement, not the target countries. Trump seems to believe that a lot of his base doesn’t know that, so it’s fine to say we’re “collecting billions,” which aren’t how tariffs work. Specifically, that a lot of rural voters, Trump’s base, are the most-likely to get impacted negatively by tariffs.

    Harris was at her best hitting Trump with semi-personal truth bombs about his rallies losing the energy they had in 2016, etc.. As an extreme narcissist, Trump isn’t able to let his ‘reality’ be encroached on by facts, he has to respond. That’s when the “eating pets” comments can’t be held back any longer. The insanity comes poring out.

  4. I didn’t watch but plan to soon. Trump is probably completely focused on how to cash in if elected thanks to the SCOTUS immunity grant, has zero to give for anything else I’m guessin’.
    Does the second paragraph jab at Trumps repetitive rhetorical habit? I found it cleverly amusing to read, maybe it’s just me.

  5. The reality is if you like DJT’s brand nothing about this debate was going to change that perspective and, cognitive dissonance will allow you to think he “won”. Harris’s objective was never to change the mind of the MAGA cult, it was to show everyone who is on the fence who this guy really is. A weak and easily distracted narcissist who can’t stop talking about himself is what she showed everyone else. I think ABC did a fantastic job of fact checking him early but just gave up on moderating by the end. How many times did they let him cut in after he was supposed to be out of time? As irritating as I found that to be, it also consistently reinforced how unhinged he was and how easily Harris was able to unmoor him emotionally. Anyone looking for a guy who can handle difficult situations or say, world leaders, would not be inspired by his performance.

    1. Oh, look, someone who didn’t read the “About Us” page. Guess what Larry? This site is about politics too. And I’m a political scientist by training. So, this is “my knitting” more so than markets even. Surprise! If you don’t like it, you know where the door is. If you need directions to it — the door, I mean — make sure to drop me a line and I’ll be happy to show you the way out.

  6. Who did not win: Americans.
    Or Citizens of the so-called Civilized World…or the Cats that they serve.

    If this is the best we can do–then how much do we really ‘deserve’ any better?
    [Not that they are “equal” in relative terms…but how poor both options are in “absolute” terms.]

    LESS Cat-in-the-Hat, MORE Cat-o.

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