Another VIX Dealer Convexity Event: What Really Happened On Wall Street Tuesday

If you're wondering what, precisely, happened to US equities on Tuesday -- where "precisely" means you're interested in the actual mechanics and flows behind a very rough session, and specifically what made a bad situation worse into the close -- you're in luck. In a rare late-evening update, Nomura's Charlie McElligott delivered an in-depth postmortem on Wall Street's worst day since last month's vol shock. Although the VIX's outperformance to spot equities was nothing to write home about, th

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3 thoughts on “Another VIX Dealer Convexity Event: What Really Happened On Wall Street Tuesday

  1. Thanks for the post, sir.

    As you rightly point out, hedging by option sellers is “pro-cyclical” in the sense that it piles on and exacerbates extreme price swings. Selling options makes you money 350 days a year. The remaining 15 can be very nasty.

    I’m still wondering who threw the lit match onto this pile of combusibles this morning.

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