Are Americans Taking Democracy For Granted?

I wasn't planning to pen another "end of democracy" article this week. Really I wasn't. That I so often find myself engaged in laments for democratic backsliding across the developed world speaks to the peril. Contrary to popular belief, I don't just write to "hear" myself talk, although I readily admit to enjoying my own editorial voice. Authoritarianism -- autocracy -- is en vogue, particularly the sort that's creeping and insidious rather than all-at-once and overt. The threat to American d

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2 thoughts on “Are Americans Taking Democracy For Granted?

  1. I suspect the biggest risk of a second Trump term is the hollowing out of the apparatus of government. What Michael Lewis talked about in The Fifth Risk. It’s a “boiling the frog” kind of risk. We won’t really notice until something we take for granted fails. Good luck out there everyone.

  2. I believe the ones who must rise above complacency is the well to do. In a ripe dictatorship like one we see in Russia the Oligarchs are anything but free. Yes you might think like Guilliani that being a loyal servant will confer favor, but what is maddening to such people is that one day they realize favor is just a whim of the dictator. If you are blessed you catch the whim if not you are lucky to catch a bullet.

    The wealthy think they are shielded by the rule of law and extranationalism. However the rule of law is the first out the door. Extranationalism only works until you decide to go home for some business. So unless you have moved everything out of home country including grand children, one day you will prefer to return.

    One good sign is a narrowing of support. The fact that one deluded billionaire gave $75 million makes up for multitudes of MAGAT’s who are now tapped out. The narrowing of supporters could be the canary in the coal mine for the former Republican party. Those left are truly RINO’s. Only one gets support from the former party national apparatus and that is Donald.

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