Americans Refuse To Stop Spending As Inflation Rises In Worrying Data

Friday's top-tier data release out of the US suggested the Fed has more work to do. Americans spent at a far brisker pace than expected last month, and inflation was hotter than anticipated, the government's personal income and spending update for April showed. I won't bury the lede. Core prices rose 0.4% from March, ahead of the 0.3% consensus. That pushed the YoY pace to 4.7%. Not to put too fine a point on it, but that's why the likes of Jim Bullard, Neel Kashkari and Lorie Logan have al

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4 thoughts on “Americans Refuse To Stop Spending As Inflation Rises In Worrying Data

  1. The American consumer… Basically, un-killable.

    As I said, the one problem is then to try and garner pity for “folks who don’t have $400 in savings”… Generally speaking, I am in the “economics isn’t a morality tale” camp, though I recognize that morality drives a lot of people thinking about economic policy so optics matter. But, here, even I go “at some point, you’re supposed to grow up and be a mature adult, capable of controlling yourself. Don’t come crying when the money runs out”.

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