Macron Victim Of “Massive Hacking Attack”: Reports

Just two days ahead of the French presidential runoff, reports indicate that “a large trove of emails purporting to be from the campaign of Emmanuel Macron was posted online late on Friday.”


Needless to say, this feels like déjà vu all over again.


Of course according to the betting odds, it may be too late for “whoever” is behind the leak to sway this election:


(BBG betting odds index for a Le Pen victory)

Via Reuters:

Some nine gigabytes of data were posted by a user called EMLEAKS to Pastebin, a document-sharing site that allows anonymous posting. It was not immediately clear who was responsible for posting the data or whether the emails were genuine.

The campaign said fake documents, mixed with authentic ones, were released together, in an attempt to sow doubt and misninformation. Macron’s team said, however, that it is not concerned about the leaked documents as they show routine operations of a presidential campaign.

En Marche! said it will take all appropriate measures to get clarification about this leak, saying it “won’t tolerate the undermining of democracy’s vital interests.”

An interior ministry official declined to comment, citing French rules which forbid any commentary liable to influence an election, and which took effect at midnight French time on Friday.

Comments about the email dump began to appear on Friday evening just hours before the official ban on campaigning began. The ban is due to stay in place until the last polling stations close on Sunday at 8 p.m.

From AP

His campaign said in a statement late Friday night that some campaign emails and financial documents were hacked a few weeks ago and are now being circulated on social media, but that they have been mixed with false documents.

It said whoever is behind the leaked documents is trying to “seed doubt and disinformation” and destabilize Sunday’s presidential runoff, comparing it to emails leaked from Hillary Clinton’s U.S. presidential campaign.


Meanwhile, at the Kremlin…

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4 thoughts on “Macron Victim Of “Massive Hacking Attack”: Reports

  1. Only a criminal could be exposed by revealing his emails. OK, non-criminal intimate pics of his wife changing his diaper could result in ballots being destroyed by vomit, but you can’t blame a hacker for voters’ lack of imagination

  2. There goes the last chance for credible democracies. Voters will dismiss both sides in elections from now own – because of their general in ability to believe anything about them. Oh, but that is Putin and Trump’s grand plan.

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