As Stimulus Rally Slips Away, China Resorts To State-Buying
If you're new to these pages, you might come away suspecting I'm a China-phobe.
I carry on (and on and on) about the country's quasi-recession born of an apathetic consumption impulse, which in turn has its roots in a property crisis of the government's own making.
To be sure, the amount of coverage I dedicate to China's economic woes isn't out of step with the Chinese economy's clout. It's the second-largest economy in the world, after all, so it makes sense that after the US, it'd get the mo
I enjoyed this article. It had just enough caustic wit to enliven a dull day in January.
But I might suggest that our new leader might end up doing similar sorts of things under the mantra of “America First.”
Market manipulation doesn’t respect political ideologies.
Who says political ideology is not similar in Bejing and Mar-A-Lago?