As Stimulus Rally Slips Away, China Resorts To State-Buying

If you're new to these pages, you might come away suspecting I'm a China-phobe. I carry on (and on and on) about the country's quasi-recession born of an apathetic consumption impulse, which in turn has its roots in a property crisis of the government's own making. To be sure, the amount of coverage I dedicate to China's economic woes isn't out of step with the Chinese economy's clout. It's the second-largest economy in the world, after all, so it makes sense that after the US, it'd get the mo

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2 thoughts on “As Stimulus Rally Slips Away, China Resorts To State-Buying

  1. I enjoyed this article. It had just enough caustic wit to enliven a dull day in January.
    But I might suggest that our new leader might end up doing similar sorts of things under the mantra of “America First.”
    Market manipulation doesn’t respect political ideologies.

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